Rain Baxter
14 Aug

Welcome to RainYoga, your go-to online store for natural and recycled yoga products! As someone who embarked on a yoga journey two years ago, I was deeply moved by the transformative power of yoga. However, I soon found myself heartbroken by the overwhelming presence of non-biodegradable products flooding the market. It became clear to me that the yoga community needed a change—a shift toward sustainability and mindfulness in practice, both on and off the mat.

My journey began like many others, seeking peace, strength, and balance through yoga. The moments spent on the mat were empowering, but as I looked around, I noticed how many of the tools and products we used were contributing to environmental degradation. The mats, blocks, clothing and other accessories that promised to enhance our practice were often made from materials that would remain in landfills for centuries. This realization ignited a passion within me to make a difference, not only in my own practice but also for the entire yoga community.

That's when I decided to take action. Collaborating with fellow eco-conscious businesses and like-minded individuals,  RainYoga was founded—a space dedicated to providing yoga products that honor both our practice and our planet. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to offer high-quality, sustainable alternatives that don’t compromise on performance or style.

At RainYoga, we believe in the importance of intentional choices. Each product in this store is carefully selected based on its materials, source, and impact on the environment. Our mats made from natural rubber, cork blocks, and recycled materials for clothing exemplify our commitment to sustainability. They're not just eco-friendly; they enhance your practice by providing support and stability without the environmental footprint.

More than just a retail space, RainYoga is a community. We aim to inspire a shift in how yoga practitioners approach their practice, encouraging mindfulness beyond the mat. By choosing natural and recycled products, you’re not only investing in your well-being but also supporting a healthier planet for future generations. 

As we grow, we remain dedicated to transparency and education. We’ll be sharing stories about our products, the artisans behind them, and the importance of sustainability in the yoga world. We want you to feel connected to the items you use in your practice, knowing that each purchase contributes to a greater cause.

I invite you to explore our store, learn about our products, and join us on this journey toward an eco-friendly yoga practice. Together, we can shift the landscape of yoga towards resilience, renewal, and respect for our beautiful planet. 

Thank you for being part of this movement. Your journey to a more sustainable practice starts here, at RainYoga. Let’s flow together—mindfully, intentionally, and sustainably.


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